Kristin Romano

Kristin Romano has been with CHSS since its launch and is currently serving our Oregon partners as 9th Grade Success Coach. She spent the majority of her classroom years teaching English (and life!) to 8th graders in Southern California. Those years fostered a deep understanding of—and passion for—the unique challenges and opportunities that lie in the critical transition from 8th to 9th grade.  

Prior to CHSS, Kristin served as high school vice principal, interim principal, literacy trainer for teachers, and instructional coach. She led special projects both within and beyond school districts around student welfare, effective use of data and assessments, comprehensive attendance system overhauls, and 21st century teaching and learning. She has written secondary STEAM and CTE curriculum. In every role, Kristin’s goal has been for all students to feel seen, accepted and encouraged throughout their school experience and to usher systemic shifts that lead to more equitable outcomes. She believes in leadership through inspiration, collaboration and compassion.  

Kristin is a gardener and a perpetual DIY-er. Her love for plants comes second, of course, to her love for her husband Josh and their young children (and neophyte gardeners), Grady and Ava.  

In 9th grade, Kristin won the National Forensic League speech and debate tournament. She did not apply the same logic and reasoning skills, however, when intentionally strutting down the hallways, as if on a runway, and avoiding all eye contact with acquaintances “in order to look confident”.