The Center for High School Success (CHSS) provides training, coaching, data analysis, peer learning opportunities, and tools and resources to support high schools in effectively implementing a 9th Grade Success approach to substantially increase 9th Grade On-Track Rates.

Through the CHSS Roadmap for 9th Grade Success, our team of Coaches supports schools teams to raise 9th Grade On-Track Rates through:

Training Circle


Two-day 9th Grade Success Institutes: CHSS’ 2-day Institutes cover the fundamentals of Ninth Grade Success Approach implementation and enable critical initial planning. Up to 10 staff from each new partner high school and new staff in key positions at existing partner high schools can attend.



Expert CHSS coaches help partner high schools assess current systems and practices impacting 9th graders’ success, develop achievable improvement goals and plans, craft customized coaching plans, then work directly with each 9th Grade Success Team Lead and 9th Grade Success Team for up to 12 hours per month to ensure progress toward goals.



Quarterly Collaboratives: CHSS hosts three quarterly collaboratives throughout each school year.

  • Designed to help regional networked improvement communities cross-share effective practices for promoting student success, and to identify and co-generate solutions to common challenges
  • Opportunity to learn directly from data experts and practitioners who are committed to changing the results for under-served students

Yearly School Observations: CHSS organizes structured opportunities for schools to observe effective practices and high-functioning systems and structures at other network schools. 

Data Analytics

Data Analysis

CHSS helps partner districts provide high schools with the real-time, accessibly formatted, actionable data on 9th grade students’ grades, attendance, and behavior.

CHSS provides partner high schools with regular data reports, including trend and gap analysis, and coaching to enable rapid cycle improvement based on the data, and technical assistance to maximize the impact of limited available resources for interventions.

Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

CHSS provides an array of useful tools, protocols, and other resources to help partner schools significantly lift 9th grade on track rates, as well as support school-wide improvement.